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       The local legal redress NAACP HELP LINE is (304) 820-9877.


    If you are experiencing discrimination call the Help Line and leave a detailed message. A volunteer will respond within 48 hours.  We need volunteers willing to express empathy to callers experiencing the financial, mental, and emotional distress of racism and other forms of discrimination. 


      Local Quakers have made limited funds available to assist our callers in obtaining a legal consultation if necessary.  


       If you are already an NAACP member, you may observe our weekly case discussions by zoom before committing to work on this committee. 

Among the many cases of discrimination we have addressed this past year is of a Black couple who had to close their business of 10+ years, incurred a debt of thousands of dollars in legal fees, all because of overt racism on the part of their HOA. 


     Your empathy and commitment to stopping injustice are welcome.  Contact Rita Caulfield if you want to volunteer to serve on this committee.


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