Who are we?
The NAACP is the oldest & largest civil rights organization in our nation. For over 110 years the NAACP has worked to expand civil rights for ALL people, all races, colors, genders, religions, sexual orientations, national origins and age groups. We affirm that equality is NOT a charitable gift granted by the majority. “We hold these truths to be self evident that ALL [People] are created equal.” This NAACP Branch #3242 was chartered in 1944 and is run entirely by unpaid volunteers.

Intersection of Queen & King Streets, on Saturdays from Noon to 1:00 p.m. Co-sponsored by NAACP, BLM, Shepherdstown Friends Meeting (Quakers), Berkeley County Unity Coalition, Women’s March WV, and many concerned citizens and Faith Congregations.

Need Legal Redress?
The local legal redress NAACP HELP LINE is (304) 820-9877.​
If you are experiencing discrimination call the Help Line and leave a detailed message. A volunteer will respond within 48 hours. We need volunteers willing to express empathy to callers experiencing the financial, mental, and emotional distress of racism and other forms of discrimination.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month from 6:00 PM sharp to 7:00 PM at the Sumner-Ramer African American Museum, 515 W. Martin Street in downtown Martinsburg. Weather permitting, we meet at Norwalk Pavilion at War Memorial Park.

We encourage you to join our chapter and NAACP directly through us. While part of your dues will be sent to the national headquarters, joining through us facilitates our connection on a local level. Whether you are a new member, or renewing your membership, please print this form, complete it, and mail it with your check to: NAACP, PO BOX 731, Martinsburg, WV 25402. For any questions about membership, email Rich Mier (ricardo-y-rita@hotmail.com). You may also submit payment using PayPal (NAACP
@BerkeleyNAACP). Be sure to include "membership" on the memo line.
Berkeley County WV NAACP
P.O. Box 731
Martinsburg, WV 25402
©2021 by Berkeley County WV NAACP.